Meet the Team

Our team is experienced, excited and empathetic. We have a laser sharp focus on what we want to achieve. Our sleeves are permanently rolled-up, we have no egos, and we collaborate really well.
Richard Baker
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Executive with 25+ years of experience creating, running and selling companies in Financial Services, Telco, Software, Digital Media, Big Data & Blockchain.
Gerard Banaszkiewicz
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Executive with 30+ years of Legal, Commercial and Operational experience in multi-billion pound regulated business environments.
Brendan Bradley
35-year career spanning financial institutions and FinTech start-ups, with a particular focus on product innovation, market structure, regulatory and technology developments, and associated M&A activity.
Ciarán McGonagle
Chief Legal and Product Officer
Leading financial industry lawyer, and expert in digital assets and smart contracts, with more then 15 years of leadership experience in capital markets.
Steve Haigh
Chief Technology Officer
25 years of commercial technology leadership experience across embedded, IoT, data processing and cloud/SaaS applications.
Gunnar Larsén
Chief Commercial Officer
25 years of software & platform leadership experience at the intersection of sales, product management and marketing.
John Anderson
Chief Product Officer
25+ years experience in product and commercial management roles in agile software development environments.
Luke Banaszkiewicz
Customer Success Manager
Delivery expert with more than a decade of experience in managing complex projects for high-profile customers.
Kevin Harkin
Principal Engineer
Engineer with 30 years of working on developing advanced software solutions in finance, health, media and insurance.
Stephen Ashworth
Head of Platform
25 years in capital markets with extensive experience in trading and managing derivatives across traditional and digital asset classes.
Jonathan Dodd
DevOps Engineer
10+ years of experience implementing cloud infrastructure solutions in eCommerce, financial services and transportation.
Rob Noble
Principal Engineer - Blockchain
Software Generalist with 28 years experience across research, development, pre- and post-sales support, solutions and systems architecture.
Jason Benedicic
Systems Engineer
20+ years of experience architecting and implementing enterprise infrastructure and cloud native application platforms across multiple sectors.
Nathan Cropper
Business Development Manager
10+ years in technology/blockchain sales, background in financial services, software development, multimedia technology and compliance.
Jose Luis Gonzalez
Product Owner
Five years of experience working with financial derivatives, with a background spanning FinTech and traditional banking.
Ashwini Laxminaranay
Technical Product Owner
15 years of software development, management, agile and CI/CD practises, honed at companies such as ARM and Aviva.
Chris Beddoe
Head of Professional Services & Delivery
More than 15 years of experience specialising in large transition and change programmes, gained in both the public and private sectors including financial markets.